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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Picture that

Just thought I'd post some pics of my general work area. I snapped these one night as I was coming in from another photo shoot. Fair warning, I might use these again as headers for posts that I don't have photos for. Just letting ya know.
Here's the lit sidewalk that leads up to our headquarters building. There's a basketball court across the street where the camp has tournaments at night. Hip hop blasts throughout the evening. I bet it irritates our colonel to no end, but that's life.
Just some antennas on a roof. I liked it.
Here's a close up on one of the lights in our headquarters entryway. Again, just going for something different.
Ah yes, building 94. That's where my office is. And it's where I am when I'm not gallivanting around on some errand or mission.
Hajji likes narrow-ass sidewalks. You have to sidestep into the dirt to pass people, or to walk around the air conditioner units bolted to the pavement.
Yeah, friends forever. Much love.

That's it. Bed time.



Blogger Apples said...

I love photo posts. My favourite would have to be building 94, though I'm not sure why.

Love the 'friends forever' line. I wonder if secretly, everybody holds hands over there. You don't have to answer that one if you don't want to Josh, it's okay.

10:03 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

I'll have to get some more up in here. I've neglected the photos as of late.

Actually Arab men are very much more affectionate than Americans. It's no biggie to see two guys holding hands; hanging on each other, whispering; or giving little kisses.

The Soldiers freak, but it's just a cultural thing. Bisexuality is a lot more common over here, at least according to our Arabic cultural instructor.

As for myself, I haven't explored that area just yet ;)

10:42 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

Oh crap, I capitalized "soldier". Talk to Ian about that one, I've failed as a journalist!

10:43 PM

Blogger Apples said...

You also misspelt 'capitalised' there, cowboy.

You failed English. :P

PS. Word verification is getting a bit extreme. This comment's one is 'dmdmxcnuvrtp' - what?!

11:04 PM

Blogger Apples said...

Or is it Cowboy? Damn you professional writers.

- xpqyvzefkellw

11:05 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

Touche my dear. Yanks shouldn't argue about "proper" English, that's for sure ;) Then again, I'm sure there are a few bits you all have added also!

That accent, though, I love it!

11:39 AM

Blogger Apples said...

The Aussies or the Brits?

I'm a total sucker for a heavy Cockney accent. What is it about accents, eh?

8:44 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

Hynes: Heh heh, under lock and key! I ain't goin to jail for that. Cocaine maybe, but not transmitting classified documents.

BB: Either, actually ;) I can't explain it, it's just plain hot.

Do cultured laides find American drawl as enticing? If so, I might have to travel more ;)

2:59 PM

Blogger Apples said...

Depends, I guess. I know a lot of birds here don't dig the southern drawl, but I like it a lot. I know of a few who positively melt when they hear the country twang.

Luckily, the novelty hasn't spilt into country music. Whew.

- okebjigtq

4:03 PM

Blogger Apples said...

Dammit, you said CULTURED women. That, I wouldn't know.

Oi! As for having to travel a bit more -- you're a young, unattached guy -- isn't that what you people are supposed to do before settling, war notwithstanding?

Oh, and an accent doesn't make a man. A lot of Aussies can be as obnoxious as the rest of the world, believe me. Silly American.

4:06 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

Never! Accents cover all wrongs ;)

I hear ya, though. And I do want to travel a bit more before honkerin' down.


2:11 PM


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