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Friday, October 28, 2005

A planned revolt

Everyone has worked for an unreasonable boss. Warzones are no exception.

While civilians can quit jobs that get too arduous, military-types just have to weather the storm.

So, since those deployed can't mutiny and steer their ship toward familiar shores, the three E7s and I of our section have decided to invent a way to up the freak-out factor.

I recommend this course of action for anyone who feels the need to send a friendly "back off, jerk" message to their bosses. It is a four-part play, and requires ammunition, so I suppose the whole endeavor will be relegated to military audiences. Anyway...

The Communist: Have one person start reading "The Communist Manifesto" in their off time. After a few days, have the person nail a piece of paper to the door of the section, stating the six-or-whatever steps a group should take to establish a Communist state.

The Psycho: One person should start cleaning their weapon constantly, staring at nothing but the parts for 15-20 minutes at a time. They should cease talking, and when the boss starts on his kick, begin to unload and reload M16 magazines. Be sure to emphasize the "click" of each round as it is put in.

The Muslim: My favorite. One soldier should convert to Islam. Be sure to leave the office for prayer and have your mat displayed prominently in your work space. In conversation, say "infidel" instead of "soldier." Make nice with the locals, and score one of those small radios they carry around so you can tune in to the religious sermons through the day. Start to speak with an accent.

The Counter: Have someone put up a sign listing how many days are left. Make a big ceremony every day as you take down the old number and put up the new one. Put in statements every hour or so like, "Wow, the time really is going." Comment constantly how upcoming events are only "(X) days away from Christmas," or whatever random holiday you choose. Use crazy, extrapolated formulas when counting till the next milestone.

Such as: "You know, if you figure the two-weeks before and two-weeks after Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving will be wasted since we'll be distracted. And if you figure it could take two weeks of travel time in addition to our mid-tour leave. And if you don't count days with "Ts" in them -- or the days when you get some dessert. Then -- hell, we only have three days until we go home. Wow, this year flew by"




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant!!!! Loved it! (hope it helps - at least it keeps you guys entertained) 4 part harmony - lol

2:36 AM

Blogger Finch said...

i explained to you my whole boooping thing that i started out there right?...where when people would be talking or even just while random people are around or passing by - a loud bwoooooop! or succesion of them - it's great for getting everyone to think yo're INSANE and it's always good for a laugh and espescially fun to get a small group of you who KNOW about the booping...

5:35 AM

Blogger brogonzo said...

If your plan succeeds, you could send your LT home to the states with a full head of white hair.

10:30 AM

Blogger salemonz said...

Oh yeah, the bwwoooooooop! I did forget. But never you mind, dear Finch, the world will never be the same again.

Glad you liked it Beth ;)

Ya Gonz, mos def ;)

2:32 PM

Blogger Papa Ray said...

You forgot that the convert should also be sharpening a wicked looking knife when ever possible.(with furtive glances.)

Worked in my day.

Continue the Mission.

Papa Ray
West Texas

11:53 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

Heh heh, yeah they sell some in the bazaar here on camp. I'll have to check it out!


12:20 AM


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