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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Autumn befalls

This morning had a slight chill. The desert took a break. I hear we’re moving into the cold, rainy season. These next two or three weeks are “when it’s nice,” so I’m living it up and spending as much time outside as I can.

Working as a reporter, I can grab my camera and just take to the streets for an hour or so at a time, on the auspices of...well, reporting. It’s a good break from the emails and meetings that my unit has me busy with on a normal day.

The winds are also picking up. And while that brings a reprieve from the heat, it also stirs up a thick halo of dust that settles along the bottom of the afternoon skies, forcing the sun to wheeze through pallid, bone-white sunsets.

The dust also makes everyone cough, which leaves throats a bit raw. With all the trash burning and normal crap in the air, I wonder just how much of the soreness is from the dust and not some toxic pollutants.

Evening usually falls across the camp while I’m in my office, processing photos or typing news releases.

Tonight was poetry night at some building across camp. Although I was off before the thing started, I wasn’t able to find out exactly where “Building 638” was before things got too dark.

The days are going faster now. Poof, it’s already been another week. Crazy, right? Pretty soon it’ll be Christmas and then I’ll be 85 with four great-grandchildren. Zim-zam-zoom.



Blogger Apples said...

I really enjoyed this post, Josh.

As for the days blurring by, I know exactly what you mean -- I went to the bathroom and came back to six kids and twelve grandkids sitting around in my loungeroom.

Nearly beat them with my beating stick, I did. Damn whipperschnappers.

6:12 PM

Blogger Finch said...

every time i read your stuff i feel like i need to right're a hell of a wordsmith(sp)'s kinda surreal to read your posts because they describe the one place i would never want to what you do bro...let me know if you need anything...

8:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dig that picture man. Nice work.

Do you still have your deviant art page up?

10:06 AM

Blogger salemonz said...

Thanks Rinna, always sweet to see your mug on a comment ;)
So go blog finch, keep crackin at it. Thanks on the wordsmith moniker. I'll get around to writing something along the lines of a book one of these days. Every time I try to write, though, it turns out like poop. I guess I should just let it happen.
Ya, still have that Deviant site up, but I haven't done anything with it in a long time. I should get back on the photoshop wagon and start up the ol' art again. I brought my digital tablet with me, so drawing to the computer shouldn't be a biggie.

10:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of a tablet do you have and would you recommend one?

3:07 PM

Blogger salemonz said...

Wacom Intuos tablets are the best, period. Others are cheaper and skimp on tablet sensitivity or resolution, but Intuos are the diggity.

I have an Intuous2, but I think they have their 3 series out now.

5:14 AM


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